
The snake emoji (🐍) is the representation of a snake which symbolizes a number of things ranging from peril to wisdom and even change. Snakes are known for the calm and smoothness with which they crawl, this could however tempt anyone into a cool meditation or thrill anyone with the idea of fear.

Uses of the Snake Emoji (🐍)

1. Being Evolved: This theme is prevalent in most instances of β€˜the snake’, it being why snakes are known to grow and change their external coverage and quite large 

2. Hazard and Warning: This emoji is used when a person feels in danger or wants to warn others. Such emotions are very often attached to risky activities or subjects about which discussions take place. 

3. Beauty of Nature: For reptile lovers or those simply wishing to pay homage to biodiversity that exists, this symbol serves a purposeful function by showing the intricate webs of life.

4. Snakes in Stories or Ethnic Symbols: This is often related to snakes as there are quite a number of stories about them and most ethnic societies have snakes as part of their traditional beliefs.

5. Double-Edged: Slangy mock всСх either dangers of war or unrelated questions mostly about pets and some other interesting absurdities whenever permissible.

Name Snake
Codepoint U+1F40D
Unicode Snake
Apple Name Snake
Android Name
Shortcode :snake: (GitHub, Slack, Discord)
