
The dog emoji is used to indicate a police dog in addition to various meanings of dog.

Uses of Service Dog Emoji:

  1. DISABILITY SUPPORT: The Service Dog emoji symbolizes service dogs that help individuals with disabilities, which entails both physical and emotional support.
  2. ACCESSIBILITY AND INCLUSIVITY: The Service Dog emoji is a perfect method of starting conversations about disability rights and the significance of creating inclusive and accessible places for service dog users.
  3. AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS: The Service Dog emoji is the best thing ever in raising awareness about service animals. This is the main idea, their vital role and how we need to show respect for their presence in public places.
  4. MENTAL HEALTH AND THERAPY: The Service Dog emoji is a therapy dog that provides support for patients who have mental health issues. It highlights their major role in the treatment of these people because of their anxiety and PTSD.
  5. TRAINING AND CHARITY: The emoji Service Dog is used frequently during fundraising campaigns for associations that train service dogs and to emergence people who perceive the important work they do.
Name Service Dog
Codepoint U+1F415 U+200D U+1F9BA
Unicode Service Dog
Apple Name Service Dog
Android Name Service Dog
Shortcode :service_dog: (GitHub, Slack, Discord)
