
Meet the cloud with rain emoji (🌧️)! It’s a little gray cloud, shedding tears of water. Picture a gloomy day, drenched in stormy vibes. 


Uses of the Cloud with Rain Emoji: 

1. Rainy Days: Think of drizzles and downpours. This emoji captures those gray skies perfectly. 

2. Sorrow: A raincloud reflects our blues, those moments when life feels heavy. Who hasn’t felt that downpour? 

3. Fresh Starts: Rain washes away the old, paving the way for new beginnings. Isn’t that a beautiful thought? 

4. Life’s Storms: Just like unexpected showers, we face tough times. This emoji mirrors those challenges we all encounter. 

5. Nurturing Growth: Rain nourishes the earth. This cloud symbolizes the patience needed for personal growth. Isn’t it worth the wait?

Name Cloud with Rain
Codepoint U+1F327 U+FE0F
Unicode Cloud with Rain
Apple Name Cloud with Rain
Android Name
Shortcode :cloud_with_rain: (GitHub, Discord) :rain_cloud: (Slack) :cloud_rain: (Discord)
