
The chicken emoji 🐔 is a depiction of a chicken, commonly used to represent the bird itself or related concepts like farms, food, or even silliness.

Chicken 🐔 Common Uses:

  1. It can represent chickens, poultry, or farm animals in general.
  2. Used in contexts related to food, especially chicken dishes like fried chicken or chicken wings.
  3. The emoji may also symbolize someone being "chicken," meaning scared or cowardly, in a humorous or playful way.
  4. It can be used in a cute or funny way to refer to baby chickens or chickens in general.
  5. Sometimes used to symbolize the sound a chicken makes ("cluck, cluck").


Name Chicken
Codepoint U+1F414
Unicode Chicken
Apple Name Chicken
Android Name Chicken
Shortcode :chicken: (GitHub, Slack, Discord)
